Tasks are usually arranged every other Sunday throughout the year.
Each task has a designated group contact who is responsible for liasing with the warden/gardener and coordinating volunteers. Before each task, the group contact will email all members to invite them to attend and provide any additional information. Non-members will have to contact the group directly to request details of a particular task listed in our programme.
Tasks usually start at 10am. We pause for lunch and breaks and tasks usually finish around 4pm. On task days, you should try to get to the meeting point for 9.45am.
Before each task, the warden/gardener explains what needs doing, how we are going to do it and usually why we are doing it. If any special tools or techniques are to be used, these are explained and volunteers have an opportunity to ask any questions. No previous training or knowledge is needed and volunteers are able to work at their own pace.

Remember to bring a packed lunch, sturdy footwear, and gardening gloves if you have any. Don’t wear your best clothes!
Each year we also have two weekend tasks, one in Borrowdale in the Lake District in April, and another at Cragside, Northumberland in November.